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Judges' Remuneration and Emoluments (Amendment) Decree 1988




IN exercise of the powers vested in me as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Fiji, I hereby make the following Decree-

Short title

1. This Decree may be cited as the Judges’ Remuneration and Emoluments (Amendment) Decree, 1988.

Substitution of the expression “President of the Republic” for “Governor-General”

2. The Judges’ Remuneration and Emoluments Act is amended by substituting the expression “President” for the expression “Governor-General” wherever the latter expression occurs in the said Act.

Amendment of section 2 of Judges’ Act

3. Section 2 of the Judges' Remuneration and Emoluments Act is revoked and replaced by the following-

"Salaries and approved allowances

2. - (1) The Chief Justice shall receive salary at the rate of $39,698 and entertainment allowance at the rate of $1,000 and each Resident Justice of Appeal shall receive salary at the rate of $35,764 a year and an entertainment allowance at the rate of $750 a year and each other Judge shall receive salary at the rate of $33,764 a year and an entertainment allowance at the rate of $300 a year.

(2) The Chief Justice and each Resident Justice of Appeal and each other Judge shall be entitled to Government housing during his judicial service and in respect of such housing shall pay the rent prescribed in the Schedule as being applicable to the grade of housing occupied:

Provided that if any Judge is not allocated Government housing he shall be entitled to such housing allowance as the Judicial and Legal Services Commission shall with the approval of the Minister of Finance from time to time determine.

(3) An ad hoc Justice of Appeal other than a Puisne Judge shall be paid a per diem of $150 when so engaged in any session of the Court of Appeal.”.

Amendment of section 8 of the Judges’ Act

4. Section 8 of the Judges’ Remuneration and Emoluments Act is amended by deleting “Section 91 of the Constitution” and inserting “Section 26 of the Judicature Decree 1988” in substitution thereof.

Coming into force

5. This Decree shall be deemed to have come into force on 1st day of January 1988.

Dated this 11th day of May 1988.


President and Commander-in-Chief


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